Hospital respiratory ventilators VC70 Europe

36633 - Hospital respiratory ventilators VC70 Europe

Hospital respiratory ventilators VC70 Europe

Item number: 36633

Hospital respiratory ventilators
The VC70 is an optimal combination of invasive and non-invasive ventilator. As non-invasive ventilation is used increasingly in a wide range of clinical situations.
The VG70 combines the advantages of a flexible non-invasive ventilator with a full-featured invasive ventilator for the ICU.
Optimal patient-ventilator synchronization, increased patient comfort
Quantity 9 units ready stock in Turkey
Price: 41 900 EUR each machine.
To be able to proceed, we need a request coming directly from a hospital or from a government body.
9 machines are ready for shipment from Turkey.
P.S. quotations will only be given upon presentation of a P.O. from a hospital or government organization

Price: 41900.00 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.