Ladies Sweaters USA

24706 - Ladies Sweaters USA
24706 - Ladies Sweaters USA

Ladies Sweaters USA

Item number: 24706

Ladies Sweaters
Total: 200 000 units
Light Weight -Heavy weight - Short and Long Sleeve.
Acrylics-Cotton Acrylic-Polyester- Polyester Cotton Fabrics
Packing- Assorted- Styles, Colors, and Sizes in each carton.
Assorted Labels
No Manifest
All in New Master cartons -36 Piece - 60 Piece -80 Piece 100-Piece Assortments
MOQ: 25 000 units
Price take all: 1.10$ each

Price: 1.10 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.